Ancient  Aliens
Ancient  Aliens

enter your exact location using coordinates here [ findstarlink ] to see when they'll be visible in your area.

enter your exact location using coordinates here [ findstarlink ] to see when they'll be visible in your area.

If they're not visible in your area in the next five days, the website will send you an email a few days before they will be so you don't miss out! more

Did you look up Thursday night and see a bunch of mysterious lights in the sky? Don't worry, it wasn't UFOs or a meteor shower, it was Space X Starlink Satellites.

    UFO sightings are a frequent occurrence at military bases, with incursions on their airspace by mysterious aircraft multiple times per month. But the military keeps anything it learns classified.

    ufo sightings are a frequent occurrence at military bases, with incursions on their airspace by mysterious aircraft multiple times per month. but the military keeps anything it learns classified.

      With the advancements that we’ve made in DNA testing. Bodies in the tombs of some these people in question have been found andWith the advancements that we’ve made in DNA testing. Bodies in the tombs of some these people in question have been found and should’ve been tested but I’ve read there will be no further investigations on them. I find that very hard to believe. It’s very questionable to say the least. Why wouldn’t they want the answers to the biggest most remarkable history in the world. Why keep them as stories and fairytales. This tells me they have more answers than we have questions. They have the technologies and the answers. What has to happen before it’s shared? When will they let us see how far the rabbit hole goes. more

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