Wisdom Child
Wisdom Child

Scrolling through LinkedIn and thinking, "No! I don't want to be that." I dont want to be a picture perfect thumbnail of airbrushed success. I don't want to be a photoshopped flyer people scroll past. I don't want to be mainstream, corporate-coated, power-posed arms-crossed on a glossy finish. I want to be a real person...while being "best in class". I want to be unpolished, unrehearsed, unscripted and still "most influential." I want to be seen, felt, heard and relatable, not fake famous. Not "look at me" impersonate celeb-culture and follow me fan-baiting. Not parroting corporate speak, catch phrases, fancy colloquialisms to say basic shit. Not on an assembly line of plastic personalities....This is my love hate relationship with social media and the blemish free world of avatars.

Is there any room for real at the top?
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from ("https://www.facebook.com/souljourney.jae")

    Broke ppl upset that these rich companies getting destroyed & looted is hilarious 😂 like you don't even own a share In stock for these businesses but you huffin & puffin. Girl STFU and grab a torch...

    Broke ppl upset that these rich companies getting destroyed & looted is hilarious 😂 like you don't even own a share In stock for these businesses but you...

      From the dehumanizing language and policy of this administration, to the history of white women using the performative “quiver of fear” when calling the police on black men, to police brutality, the system is working exactly how it was designed.

      The system is not broken. This is the expansive and intricate system of dehumanization that was constructed to support white supremacy and slavery. Like every genocide in recorded history, racism started with dehumanization.

      The system is more complex now and supported by policy. One thing remains at the center: We, the white folks, are the conduit for the system. It was built to serve us. When we do nothing it surges through us. To end racism, we have to break the system. We have to see it and fight against it - we have to be anti-racist. There are many ways to break and rebuild. But here’s what I know for sure:

      The most important anti-racism work I’ve done over the past 20 years and that I’m still doing (every single day) is taught and led by people with the lived experience of racial oppression - NOT white people. This includes my professors, writers, activists, bosses, and mentors. For me, it’s also about seeing, sharing, and honoring the lived experiences of my friends whose realities are/were clearly different than mine.

      Our job is to seek out the teaching, value it, submit to the pain of learning without asking our teachers to absolve us or add our emotions to their load, and know that being held accountable is hard and painful. And we have to act.

      There are many teachers who are leading the way. Here are some teachers that I follow and who are doing critical work right now.

      Austin Channing Brown (the The Next Question)

      Dr. Bernice King (on MSNBC today at 1:45EST and has an important series on FB)

      Dr. Clint Smith (June 3 event)

      Prof. Ibram Kendi (on Unlocking Us this week)

      Rachel Cargle (Public address on revolution available now)

      If you know of other teachers - please leave them in the comments and we'll put together a list.

      Amplify their voices and their work. Buy their books. Take their classes. Break the system.
      ...read more

      from the dehumanizing language and policy of this administration, to the history of white women using the performative ?quiver of fear? when calling the...

          The matrix is an interwoven system of frequencies that lowers vibration into dense behaviourisms – ones that specifically target the mind for example and thereby addict people to the consumptive physicality of life. Various energetic...

          a dense, controlling, consumptive energy deeply stirred up, and it?s making life increasingly unstable. here's how you can deal with it?

            “You don't owe your time/energy to anyone.

            You barely owe it to your job, and that's just because is contractual agreement agreed upon you receiving comp for providing your time and effort.

            Don't let people on social media demand your attention, you're not being difficult.”
            ...read more

            ?You don't owe your time/energy to anyone. You barely owe it to your job, and that's just because is contractual agreement agreed upon you receiving comp for providing your time and effort. Don't let people on social media demand your attention, you're not being difficult.?