Joe Cullen
Joe Cullen

Fun facts

The earth is a ellipsoid.

Voting for one party is as stupid as voting for the other.

Thanksgiving is a
Fun facts

The earth is a ellipsoid.

Voting for one party is as stupid as voting for the other.

Thanksgiving is a racist holiday.

Fat shaming ain't cool.

Mythology isn't real.

Fat pride isn't healthy.

Trump and Biden are the same klansman.

There's limited evidence that masks save lives,
so error on the side of caution and wear it.

Limited evidence isn't zero-evidence.

America is played out.

Trump is more comparable to Hitler than anyone else.

Trump supporters are Nazi supporters.

Bumper Stickers don't belong on Ferraris.

Fat asses haven't been in for a while.
Catch up. Hit the gym. Fatso .

Cancer was first cured in 1953.

Every election since 1788 has been fixed, with the result being decided 16 years in advance.

5G doesn't cause viruses.
It's a microwave.
It cooks you like a slow roast.

My plan is bigger than god's plan.

Mayonnaise is better as a paint thinner. more

    I’ve been a regular contributor on this atheist group page for a long time but I’ve finally reached my breaking point. Is it just me orI’ve been a regular contributor on this atheist group page for a long time but I’ve finally reached my breaking point. Is it just me or does anyone else here notice that every single theist troll who posts or comments on this group page is nothing more than an utter imbecile? I’ve seriously yet to read anything even approaching a cogent argument from the theists who frequent this group page. They’re all literally idiots. Ladies and gentlemen… I think we have the answer to why there is theism in humanity. Basically… and from everything I’ve read in this group page through several years… theists are comprised of the dumbest people in society. They are (generally speaking) of lesser intelligence and less capable of critical thinking. They are by far the most credulous... the most gullible… the most easily led and the most easily manipulated in society. To add to that they are also the most stubborn in society. They aren’t interested in learning anything new. They refuse to learn anything that contradicts their presuppositions and they will cling to their presuppositional beliefs with all their might not because of hard evidence but because they want to believe what they want to believe. They actually NEED to believe what they believe. It’s the “crutch” that gets them through every day of their lives and without it they can’t survive. We atheists are basically banging our heads against a wall trying to reason with them because they cannot be reasoned with. So… as the new year approaches as of January 1st I am personally resolving to stop trying to reason with theists. I’m done here on this group page. I can’t argue with these people anymore. It’s a waste of my time. I’ve done my best but I humbly bow out now and leave it up to the rest of you to “fight the good fight.” I’m 63 years old and I don’t have enough time left in my life to waste it thumbing arguments into my phone trying to reason with hopelessly stupid people. You guys can carry on without me. Cheers, and good luck.
     ~Steve Tambosso more

      Trumpism is a religious template:

      -Hostile reactions when asked for solid evidence

      -Unwavering devotion despite
      Trumpism is a religious template:

      -Hostile reactions when asked for solid evidence

      -Unwavering devotion despite contradiction


      -Trust his grand plan

      -Can do no wrong

      -Needs your money

      -Criticizing him gets you exiled from the group

      -Gets credit for stuff he didn't do more


        It was not witches who burned.
        It was women.
        Women who were seen as

        It was not witches who burned.
        It was women.
        Women who were seen as
        Too beautiful
        Too outspoken
        Had too much water in the well (yes, seriously)
        Who had a birthmark
        Women who were too skilled with herbal medicine
        Too loud
        Too quite
        Too much red in her hair
        Women who had a strong nature connection
        Women who danced
        Women who sung
        or anything else, really.
        Sisters testified and turned on each other when their babies were held under ice.
        Children were tortured to confess their experiences with “witches” by being fake executed in ovens.
        Women were held under water and if they float, they were guilty and executed.
        If they sunk and drowned they were innocent.
        Women were thrown off cliffs.
        Women were put in deep holes in the ground.
        The start of this madness was years of famine, war between religions and lots of fear. The churches said that witches, demons and the devil did exist and women were nothing but trouble. As we see even today, there is often a scapegoat created. Everything connected to a women became feared, especially her sexuality. It became labeled as dark and dangerous and was the core of the witch trials through out the world.
        Why do I write this?
        Because I think the usage of words are important, especially when we are doing the work to pull these murky, repressed and forgotten about stories to the surface. Because knowing our history is important when we are building the new world. When we are doing the healing work of our lineages and as women. To give the women who were slaughtered a voice, to give them redress and a chance of peace.
        It was not witches who burned.
        It was women. more

          I always thought Friday the 13th was some superstitious bullshit, like Darth Vader and Jesus Christ. But given the way full boxes areI always thought Friday the 13th was some superstitious bullshit, like Darth Vader and Jesus Christ. But given the way full boxes are dropping out of their bottom and handles are falling off of baskets, there might be something to it...

          SILVER LINING: We're on day 49 and I still haven't punched myself in the balls.