— happy FREAKIN 21st birthday to my stylin’ sis & my other half!!!!
MADS. you are so beautiful inside & out. you are so strong & definitely the hardest working person I’ve ever met. you inspire me daily & I’m so thankful that the Lord let me be your little sis. you’re so easy to celebrate & I hope you have the best birthday EVER!!!! I love you to the moon & back. here’s to 21 babyyyyy #birthdaygirl #urold !!!! 💗✨👑🤍💃🏼
~SKYLAR CAWLEY on skyelaynee
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The Scene is your go-to bikini
— a letter to Jesus, from me.
This season has been full of unknowns. full of anxiety & worries of my future. full of trying to control it all myself. full of confusion. but one thing I am certain of, is that You know. You know me fully. You know my future fully. & You alone are in control. throughout this season of transition in my life, I’m choosing to trust in You. not because I’m sure of what my future looks like. not because I have all of the answers. but because You do. & I trust you. because You have never failed me. You have never let me down. so who am I to think that you will now? you remain constant in who You are, & I fully trust in that. I’m thankful for that. Lord, thank you for FULLY loving me. for completely knowing me & choosing me, even when You don’t have to. although I may not know what my future holds, I know Who holds it. & that is enough for me.
Psalms 139.
Love, Your daughter.
8/18/21 <3
~SKYLAR CAWLEY on skyelaynee
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— rare sighting of avery willingly taking a picture w/ me lol #boatday
this @Blueflame4L fr t