Candace Owens
Candace Owens

Here is the truth:

“The truth is that wars are money-laundering operations.

Whether it’s a multigenerational war on poverty…
Or a going-on-three-year war against Covid
Or a twenty-year war in Afghanistan…

wars represent opportunities for governments to siphon away trillions of dollars from taxpayers to countries which are willing to launder that money and divert it back to corporations.

The truth is that the money they siphon from our good will and our fear is always unaccountable.”

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You won’t regret it! @candaceshow
@realcandaceowens more


    “The best way to care about black people is to give us billions of unaccountable dollars and more power via BLM initiatives!

    The best way to care about Covid is to give us trillions of unaccountable dollars and more power via CDC initiatives!

    The best way to care about Ukrainians is to give us more trillions of unaccountable dollars via Congressional initiatives!

    Hi! We’re the government and we’re here to help again!!

    Anyone who disagrees is a racist, grandpa-killing, Putin lover!

    Any questions?!! “

    Tune into @candaceshow to take a stand against propaganda.

    You can use my code “RESIST” to receive a steep discount to sign up and watch the full show at Dailywire
    @realcandaceowens more


      So politifact (working on a piece to prove I’m a liar) accidentally revealed to me that the State Department lied to them regarding their bizarre decision to pull down fact sheets pertaining to United States bio labs throughout Ukraine.


      I will share screen shots of the back/forth with the reporter in my Instagram stories.
      @realcandaceowens more


        It’s not appropriate to call a father “obsessive” and “controlling” for not wanting his 8 year old daughter to have a social media account with 5 million strangers following her.

        Although a genuinely kind person (I have met her) Kim Kardashian is VERY wrong here and her daughter will wind up paying the price for it.

        Protect the children.

        @kanyewest @kimkardashian
        @realcandaceowens more


          For every woman who complied with government mandates and received your vaccine—only to discover that your menstruation cycle was severely interrupted— this one is for you.
          I remember talking to friends who were subsequently gaslit by doctors and media members alike who claimed for MONTHS that it was an “impossibility” that the vaccine was impacting menstruation. For MONTHS they told you that it was all in your head—the worst kind of psychological abuse.
          Until finally, they admitted it. Yes, the vaccine was causing menstruation changes and they were going to begin funding studies to determine why.
          To every woman who like me, is noticing a steep increase in the amount of friends around her who are experiencing miscarriages and fertility issues and are being told (once again) that there is no correlation and it’s not even a possibility— this one is for you.
          I hope you enjoyed part one of my illuminating discussion with Dr. Robert Malone last night and that you got the answers you have always deserved.
          Real doctors, and real science allows for questioning and considers EVERY possibility.

          Tonight is part two, where we discuss Big Pharma and our children.
          If you use my code: REDLINE at checkout you can receive a steep discount to watch, only at dailywire (9pmET)


            When walking into a battle with a lie, the truth makes no preparation. It has no fears.
            It is only the lie that has anxieties for it knows it will be exposed.

            Never in human history have the people that demand censorship not been guilty of hiding the truth.

            This is Dr. Robert Malone. He is a virologist and an immunologist who pioneered the MRNA technology.

            Today, if you search his name, journalists will try to convince you that this man, who dedicated his life to science and vaccines and is himself vaccinated— is an anti-vax conspiracy theorist.

            Of course, these pejoratives are losing their effect.

            Over 50 million people watched his interview with Joe Rogan and now recognize that they are being persuaded against independent research.

            There are even radical calls to censor Joe Rogan, who despite having supported Bernie Sanders for President, is now being smeared and libeled as “alt-right”.

            They cannot keep doing this. Mothers and fathers across the world are waking up to this manipulation.

            I am so excited to bring you all this two-part, 4 hour interview with Dr. Robert Malone.

            I am passionate about all of us having the right to information. Informed consent is the only way medicine should work.

            To watch this show and to hear his answers to my many questions (which we cannot put on YouTube because of their censorship policies) please use my code “REDLINE” for a huge discount when you subscribe at dailywire

            Children are the red line.
            Dear Parents— we ARE the experts.

            This interview, Part 1, drops on Tuesday.


              The story of my GARDASIL (HPV series) injury, since so many of you are asking!

              This is from last season on my show. I tackle Big Pharma and how it relates to children a lot on my show which is why it exists behind a pay wall. People complain about that but it’s the only way to safely discuss these matters without facing censorship from the very people we are fighting to expose.

              Tag a friend who has been silenced or gaslit for talking about their own injuries.

              Mothers need to start believing mothers.

              Parents need to know the facts and protect their children.

              Thank you to every parent who wrote me over the last 48 hours. I am shocked by how ready and open everyone has been to this conversation.

              Genuinely love and support you all on this journey to discovering truth.

              If you want to subscribe you can use my discount code “2024” and get 25% at dailywire
