In my improv group, we shout out random situations at the audience and see what they come up with.
While I cannot share all of my plans, I would not rule out saying “fuck ” at some point this afternoon.
Sharknado taught us strength.
Sharknado 2 taught us pride.
Sharknado 3 taught us wisdom.
Sharknado 4 taught us hope.
Sharknado 5 taught us humility.
#Sharknado6 taught us to love.
Thank you @SharknadoSYFY @SYFY more
Everything has been said before, especially pointing out that everything has been said before.
The "erasing history" argument only works if you're trying not to repeat a horrible period
Not if you want to remember "the good old days"
Stop calling things from a few weeks ago "iconic"
JUDGE: I find the defendant guilty.
PAINTING: I was framed!
Smiling at the giraffe 🦒 @charlotte.spelman
@mauraohare @sarahamideneau @lilyloewen @charlotte.spelman @jordyn.aschenbach @jenna.blandina