Fun facts

The earth is a ellipsoid.

Voting for one party is as stupid as voting for the other.

Thanksgiving is a
Fun facts

The earth is a ellipsoid.

Voting for one party is as stupid as voting for the other.

Thanksgiving is a racist holiday.

Fat shaming ain't cool.

Mythology isn't real.

Fat pride isn't healthy.

Trump and Biden are the same klansman.

There's limited evidence that masks save lives,
so error on the side of caution and wear it.

Limited evidence isn't zero-evidence.

America is played out.

Trump is more comparable to Hitler than anyone else.

Trump supporters are Nazi supporters.

Bumper Stickers don't belong on Ferraris.

Fat asses haven't been in for a while.
Catch up. Hit the gym. Fatso .

Cancer was first cured in 1953.

Every election since 1788 has been fixed, with the result being decided 16 years in advance.

5G doesn't cause viruses.
It's a microwave.
It cooks you like a slow roast.

My plan is bigger than god's plan.

Mayonnaise is better as a paint thinner. more