Jay, #173 - I GET MAIL!

Dear Jay,
I watch your soundboxxx page and find it to be disgusting. I am a religious person and I am sure God hates you. Sometimes people say I am just like the character of Facebook-Jay. Do you think he could give me tips about how to meet dirty women? Also, can you send a photo of Al in a bathing suit.

Correctional Service Canada, Collins Bay Institution.

Dear RaptureDude666,
Thanks for following! Always good to hear from a fan. Do they have Nielson boxes where you live? Not to be argumentative, but I believe God views me with a mild envious, admiration -- not unlike how the folks at the RCMP and Thunder Down Under feel about me. Anyway, the character of Facebook-Jay is a fictional construct so it's a little hard to ask him questions. Have you tried an on-line dating service? You could increase your chances for success by signing up as several different people.

All the best,

P.s. Photo enclosed.
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