love is the vital light.
and i’ve never felt so much love as now. love in its unconditional shape, love that turns into gratitude
love is the vital light.
and i’ve never felt so much love as now. love in its unconditional shape, love that turns into gratitude for small things, love to trust the invisible. love to accept each part of myself with authenticity and vulnerability. i’ve now understood that love is the most powerful energy and it is up to us to nourish and strengthen it.

o amor é a luz vital.
nunca na vida senti tanto amor. amor na sua forma incondicional, amor que se transforma em gratidão por pequenas coisas, amor pra confiar no invisível. amor pra aceitar cada parte de mim mesma com autenticidade e vulnerabilidade. agora, entendi que o amor é a mais poderosa energia que existe e cabe a nós nutri-la e fortalece-la. @olivianachle more