PATIENCE - That word patience can be really hard to live by sometimes in this life. I know for me I tend to rush to do things and my mindPATIENCE - That word patience can be really hard to live by sometimes in this life. I know for me I tend to rush to do things and my mind is constantly racing to think of the next thing that comes next. I learned that having patience can even mean just taking your time on things. The front of this card says TAKE YOUR TIME, I'm reminding myself that taking my sweet little time on even the little things in life is okay, like eating my food slow and enjoying every bite I take and not having to be rushed to finish it. Taking time to pray more and reading his word while not being rushed to do so. Spending sweet precious time with Jesus and who he is. Start Living in the NOW! And enJOY every bit of this life you have to live in being patient with yourself and not worry on what is going to come next but trusting the lord that he has every little thing planned out. @jaydaiye more