Dear Lord, Help every boy and girl without a home of their own this day. Guide them to a place where they will feel loved and wanted, caredDear Lord, Help every boy and girl without a home of their own this day. Guide them to a place where they will feel loved and wanted, cared for and appreciated.

Lift them up when they are down. Dry their tears when they cry. Heal them when they are hurt. Should they fall, pick them up and hold them close to your heart.

Lord, you began life homeless. Mary and Joseph protected you on the journey into Egypt. Grant that today's homeless children find such loving and faithful protectors.

Bless, too, O Lord, those, who care for these homeless little ones in your name. Amen

#aprayerforHomelesschildren #ourwalls #jesusandMary
@jaydaiye more

Dear Lord, Help every boy and girl without a home of their own this day. Guide them to a place where they will feel loved and wanted, cared for and appreciated.

Lift them up when they are down. Dry their tears when they cry. Heal them when they are hurt. Should they fall, pick them up and hold them close to your heart.

Lord, you began life homeless. Mary and Joseph protected you on the journey into Egypt. Grant that today's homeless children find such loving and faithful protectors.

Bless, too, O Lord, those, who care for these homeless little ones in your name. Amen

#aprayerforHomelesschildren #ourwalls #jesusandMary  @jaydaiye