BIBLE LIES 2022-04-26 The biblical mythological text tells us that God would have created domestic and wild animals. But we know that theBIBLE LIES 2022-04-26 The biblical mythological text tells us that God would have created domestic and wild animals. But we know that the domestication of animals such as cattle, sheep, horses, cats and others took place at a much later stage than the emergence of man. The animals that we now call domestic, were once wild animals, it was we who domesticated them for some convenience. If there were wild animals, how then did these live peacefully with the domestic ones created by the Hebrew god? If, at creation, there were already domestic animals, then who was it possible to later domesticate: the cat, dog, horse, cattle and others, if they were already domesticated? Domestic animals do not live free in the pasture, but in the vicinity of the environment in which man lives. And for that to happen, Adam and Eve would have to have already formed a community and the text shows us that they did not. How Christians are made of MUGS. POOR PEOPLE CAN'T THINK OUTSIDE THE CORRAL OF THEIR CHURCHES. more