Im Just Sayin
Im Just Sayin

#MeanwhileInCanada Survivors and experts say the treatment at the second-largest Indian hospital in Canada was allegedly harsh and abusive, and claim patients weren't told why they were being physically restrained and sometimes held for many years.

Survivors and experts say the treatment at the second-largest Indian hospital in Canada was allegedly harsh and abusive, and claim patients weren't told why they were being physically restrained and sometimes held for many years.

    Recently, an 82-year-old woman who suffered from dementia, who couldn’t recognize her own son has miraculously got her memory back afterRecently, an 82-year-old woman who suffered from dementia, who couldn’t recognize her own son has miraculously got her memory back after changing her diet his mother’s condition became so severe that for her own safety she had to be kept in the hospital, Mark Hatzer almost came to terms with losing another parent. more

      One of the best ways to support striking workers is to join the strike. Solidarity and sympathy strikes have long been well-established asOne of the best ways to support striking workers is to join the strike. Solidarity and sympathy strikes have long been well-established as an effective measure for effecting radical change in the workplace, and we believe that by uniting workers across industries and in every type of workplace we can build towards a coordinated general strike that will force our leaders to provide the relief which so many of us desperately need right now. more

      May Day (May 1st) is an important day in working class history. This year, May Day has the potential to go down in history once again as workers strike.