Olivia Shove
Olivia Shove

there is a strange sense of peace that comes when the thing you're most afraid of comes true; a freedom that accompanies surrender.

finding myself confined to a hospital bed suffering the 5th return of an illness for which the cause remains a mystery, in the midst of a pandemic, is truly my worst nightmare realized. fear is present and i am very much at the will of my body, but i recognize this as another opportunity to feel the fear without being overcome by it.

grateful for my body%27s continued ability to heal, the strength of my mind, the guidance of my intuition, and days when things feel normal. all power in resilience -- the little body that could.

 ~Olivia Shove on oshoveit  

 Ojai, California 
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    A lot of time and effort went into these little books and it feels really good to finally hold the completed product. A limited edition of 50 signed and numbered copies of EAT ME are now available at bigcartel (link in bio).

    Featuring 11 women ages 17-62, sizes 0-16, from Australia, the U.S., and Uruguay, EAT ME is a visual commentary discussing the objectification of women's bodies for profit - particularly by the fast food industry - as well as unequal representation in the media, the invisibility of aging women, beauty standards, body image, and the increase of eating disorders in the current age. The purpose of this series is to challenge comfort levels and confront both what it means to be sexual, and who is "allowed" to be.

    Due to the content and location of this series, I have decided to donate 100% of the profit made to Headspace, a mental health organization dedicated to serving Australians nationwide.

    A million thank you's to my 11 beautiful models for trusting me with this project. Special thanks to my friends at @idleeyeszine for the production assistance. If you read all of this, thanks, and if you buy a copy, thanks x2. @oshoveit
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    A lot of time and effort went into these little books and it feels really good to finally hold the completed product. A limited edition of 50 signed and numbered copies of EAT ME are now available at oliviashove.bigcartel.com (link in bio).
Featuring 11 women ages 17-62, sizes 0-16, from Australia, the U.S., and Uruguay, EAT ME is a visual commentary discussing the objectification of women's bodies for profit - particularly by the fast food industry - as well as unequal representation in the media, the invisibility of aging women, beauty standards, body image, and the increase of eating disorders in the current age. The purpose of this series is to challenge comfort levels and confront both what it means to be sexual, and who is "allowed" to be.
Due to the content and location of this series, I have decided to donate 100% of the profit made to Headspace, a mental health organization dedicated to serving Australians nationwide.
A million thank you's to my 11 beautiful models for trusting me with this project. Special thanks to my friends at @idleeyeszine for the production assistance. If you read all of this, thanks, and if you buy a copy, thanks x2. @oshoveit

      @juliaelisechilds 's 5 pieces of advice to women learning to love themselves:

      1. Other women are not a threat, they are your allies. Trust and support one another.

      2. Everyone can “make it” and the more time you spend worrying about what others are doing, the less you are focusing on your own hustle.

      3. Write a gratitude list anytime you feel jealous.

      4. Do not measure your worth by your waistline. Do not allow a man to determine what makes you sexy. You must find your own worth and through that journey, you will fall in love with your own positive attributes.

      5. Fall in love with yourself first before falling in love with anyone else. 📸 @oshoveit #LiveFASTSecretSociety @oshoveit
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      @juliaelisechilds's 5 pieces of advice to women learning to love themselves:

1. Other women are not a threat, they are your allies. Trust and support one another.

2. Everyone can “make it” and the more time you spend worrying about what others are doing, the less you are focusing on your own hustle.

3. Write a gratitude list anytime you feel jealous.

4. Do not measure your worth by your waistline. Do not allow a man to determine what makes you sexy. You must find your own worth and through that journey, you will fall in love with your own positive attributes.

5. Fall in love with yourself first before falling in love with anyone else. 📸 @oshoveit #LiveFASTSecretSociety @oshoveit

        To everyone out there who thinks wearing a mask is an infringement on your rights, let's chat for a second. It doesn’t matter whether you believe this virus is real, or fake, some sort of conspiracy, or military experiment, that's all irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if it came from China, or America, from a bat or a pig, origin is also irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if your left wing or right wing, independent, socialist, or communist, this isn’t political. What matters is this. Covid-19 is real, it may not be the deadliest or the worst virus mankind has seen, but it is killing and spreading like wildfire.

        You feel your individual rights are being stripped because you have to wear a mask in public. But what rights are really being stripped as a result of you protecting your community?
        Let me share with you the simple truth. As an individual choosing not to wear a mask, you are stating loud and clear the following.

        I ___ am so self centered and so self absorbed that I don’t give a fuck about my family, my friends, my community, my state, or my country. I would rather yell, scream, and cry about wearing a little cloth over my face than help save the lives of my fellow Americans. I __ care more about my individuality and personal feelings than anything else in this world. Therefore I __ choose to become infected, spread, and uncaringly keep the country in quarantine. Signed __

        So please, just wear a mask, no one wants to, but the sooner we all do the sooner we can all get back to a more regular life. It's not hard, it's not rocket science, It's the right thing to do. For your family, friends, community and your country. WEAR. A. FUCKING. MASK!


         ~Jon Dragonette on jondragonette  


         Los Angeles, California 
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          "This image speaks to me because it is such a genuine portrait of @oshoveit - a model & friend who I have been photographing for years. I have photographed Olivia for look books & editorials, but there is nothing better than just her, as herself.
          Shot in my kitchen, using natural light on my Contax 645 with a Zeiss 80mm lens, on Ilford 3200 black and white film, my favorite BW film because of the beautiful grain." -- @kelleramsey @oshoveit
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            stepped outside to get my own pandemic portraits taken by @jondragonette , whose series will be immortalized in the LA Natural History Museum. could use a haircut and a planet in which asking for basic consideration from the other inhabitants doesn't seem like such a utopian fantasy, and yet somehow i still want to be here. may all of our actions be fueled by a fiery love and an unshakeable compassion as we work to deconstruct the many interwoven systems of oppression in our world and our minds.

             ~Olivia Shove on oshoveit  


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