🌶 Last week my best friend and I hit the road and headed south. If you’ve ever traveled with me you know I always leave the house like we’re leaving civilization. I pack food, water, snacks, and lotssss of wine (im 100% the person you want to get stranded somewhere with). This trip I was also hyper-concerned with keeping our health and immunity up because of La Rona and knowing we would be exposing ourselves to more public spaces (gas stations, restaurants, Airbnbs, new people). So I made and brought an anti-inflammatory immune support drink that we took in the morning out of green margarita glasses because life is party (or because I forgot to pack real cups).
Swipe for the recipe and a video of what our Airbnb mini fridge looked like!
When you travel, what do you pack or do to stay healthy?

 ~Jani 🌶 on healthgeenie  

 Raleigh, North Carolina 
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