🌶 Ti-Tea Tuesday: REVIEW

Oh, I’m sorry. Did you think I was done???

This week we are also doing our first gifted tea review!

A few weeks ago @livepif LivPif sent me a lovely PR package so that I could try four of their teas (Zen, Fresh, Balance, and Spark)
I did not pay for the package but we did agree that I would do a review.

Well, ladies and gentlehos, it’s time.

Full review drops later today (would do it now but reels won’t give me enough caption characters)

Here’s a spoiler: I love this brand. I love the story and I love their values.

I’ll try to post the review early! But no promises bc y’all know time is just a construct like credit scores and cover letters.

Happy Ti-Tea Tuesday!

#HealthGeenie #TiTeaTuesday #ProductReview #LivePif #TeaReview #TeaReviewer #anxiety #herbalhealing #herbalremedy #blackgirlswhoblog #beautyblogger #healthblogger #healthjourney #herbalmedicine @healthgeenie #QuarantineShot #WithJay
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