If you practice & embody peace, kindness, love, unity, respect, non-harming to yourself & others than you are a Yogi. If you use mindfulness in an activity then you are meditating. We have this mental image of what yoga & meditation look like. Often when I meet someone & they find out I practice yoga/meditation they say how they wish they could do that but they aren’t flexible, struggle with the poses & are unable to sit still. I laugh & tell them you don’t need to. Don’t compare yourself to a lot of the “yoga” influencers. Don’t compare yourself to anyone for that matter. My meditation does consist of sitting & mindful breathing but I also practice when gardening, eating, cleaning, creating art, being in nature & more. I have friends & family who’s meditation is in the form of photography, glassblowing, pottery, reading, music & other various forms of activities. I often find people to be in a pure meditative state of being when they are doing what they love & being who they are free of mental restraints. Everyone’s yoga is different too. My off the mat practice is far more important than my on the mat practice. There are those I consider great yogis who have never practiced the poses but embody what is yoga-“to Yoke”-the objective of union & enlightenment. Self growth. Conscious awareness. Universal connection. If you’re intention when you wake up is to grow, be kind, spread love, be aware of your actions & how they not only effect you but others/our planet, to walk this earth not as a mindless zombie but a beautiful conscious Being, than you practice yoga. We all have areas in our life where we can better our practice. Mine for the longest time was in my driving. I had massive road rage, especially when living in LA. It wasn’t until someone scared me with their own road rage that I changed my behavior, for I never wanted to make anyone feel how they person made me felt. Now I’m a chill confident af driver. When the heat does rise in me I take a deep breath, smile, make my middle finger mudras for only myself on the steering wheel lol & say “Namaste”. I’m keeping my peace & hoping my energy passes on. That’s yoga or at least how I practice it 🤟🏼✨❤️ xxx
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