As humans, we are in constant and intimate exchange with nature. On a biological level, plants emit oxygen which helps us breathe and inAs humans, we are in constant and intimate exchange with nature. On a biological level, plants emit oxygen which helps us breathe and in return we exhale carbon dioxide which nourishes them. Being in communion with the natural world reminds us of our connection to all that is and helps put our problems into perspective. Various studies have shown that prolonged time in nature can help regulate emotions, increase focus, improve problem-solving abilities, enhance creativity, and foster a sense of gratitude.
Unfortunately, not all of us have reasonable access to green spaces. Many of us are stuck in concrete jungles where parks are few and far between. Often these are public places and we might not feel comfortable letting our guard down to connect with nature more deeply.
One way to engage with plant energy is to invite it into your home. Taking care of plants helps us tune into our own nurturing abilities and raises questions of how we tend to our own needs.
10 Plants to Raise the Vibe in Your Home Sanctuary
New guide up on the blog, written by @tarotviews
Link to read the full article in stories!
Photo of @kylameow by @oshoveit @oshoveit more
