MEDITATION- MEDITACION •Do you ever do it? •Si lo haces?
Relax your mind-body and spirit
Relaja tu mente- cuerpo y espíritu

It’s very important you close your eyes
Breath, breath and relax
Feel with each breath how your body relaxes
This is for your hapinesss and well-being
In other words this is just like magic
Keep your eyes closed
Let your intuition guide you through this journey (viaje)

Relax yourself and try to breath slowly, really slow and relax.

Sometimes when life hits you hard and it feels unfair, it’s natural to react in a negative way but now just STOP for a moment let’s change the strategy :
What if I told you instead of being negative just say THANK YOU
thank you life for bringing me those difficulties and obstacles that you put me through.
Because I don’t know what your ultimate plan it’s for me, do what you want with me because I trust you. Thank you
Thank you for letting me fall sometimes and thank you for the difficulties you put me through, I still trust you, even if I don’t understand why at the moment. Deep down I know there must be a reason. I know that you are only making me stronger. So change the strategy and just say thank you!
Thank you, gratitud it’s the strongest positive feeling that would help you get up again so let’s be thankfully.

#meditation #thankful #stressrelief #bienestar #meditacion #meditacionguiada

 ~FWC-FIT&WELL by Catalina Duque fitwellbycatalinaduque  

@cataduqueofficial @john.barragan.f @fitwellbycatalinaduque
 Central Park 
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