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The outcome of American interference has been catastrophic with every region they touch. It is long overdue that these Western imperialist countries exit all of Africa (Ethiopia in particular) and free them from the constraints of colonialism.
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FRONTLINE Short Docs revisits the deadliest and most destructive fire in California's history, the 2018 Campfire, from the POV of 21-year-old Jordan Huff. Subscribe to @FRONTLINEShortDocs for more bite-sized documentaries.

#wildfire #frontline #shortdocs
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    In 1940, my oldest brother died of Polio. The last picture my parents had of him was in the Iron Lung. He had a smile on his face, because he thought that being in the Iron Lung would cure him. He had hope.


      Going in circles like cursive
      Breaking these curses
      I'm immersed in the challenge
      Of becoming my own person
      I often flirt with higher versions
      But still I'm unlearning
      That which I was birthed in
      Shed my leaves
      Take the fall
      Surrender to seasons
      They serve to evolve

      Ebonee Davis '21

      This film and this poem embody the sum of everything I have felt over the last year and a half. Being birthed into a new dimension of consciousness and self awareness after cycles of darkness, too afraid to risk being “seen” all the while living out my life… healing, growing, learning, evolving… in the public eye. The redundancy of lessons learned and tests still failed. Looking to past versions of myself as a point of reference and finding nothing but ashes. But using the fertility of those ashes to replant myself and bloom into an entirely different flower. I gave birth to this project while simultaneity giving birth to myself. And I couldn't have done that without the help of my midwives, my doulas, my COMMUNITY. 🤎

      Thank you to everyone who was a part of this process. Thank you to my collaborators at @pamelalove for the opportunity to showcase my passion. Thank you to team at @thelionsmgmt for helping me see this through. However painful it was, I am grateful for this becoming.

      Jewelry: @pamelalove
      Design + Direction: @eboneedavis
      Cinematography: @rikkiwright
      Set Design: @gildedgrotto
      Hair: @nizztexturedhair
      Makeup: @kaedoesmakeupp
      Styling: @cdhouseofstyle
      Lingerie: @shoplovevera
      Stage: @trokonv

      Each piece from this collection will come with a hand written poem by me 📝🕊

       Life Cycles 

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