soundboxxx is the rebirth of social media from the founders of the original 1987 social concept. It also marks the world’s first Socialsoundboxxx is the rebirth of social media from the founders of the original 1987 social concept. It also marks the world’s first Social Network for audio conversations and the first social network for Canada. Anyone can register to start a podcast or record an interesting audio thread or upload a previously recorded, full quality recording. With optimum sharing to share to your favorite fringe networks. more
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"All I can say is the antibiotics just weren't working. They did blood work and they did chest x-rays. When I was home, I just kept drinking a lot of hot water and I believe that helped loosen all that mucus that was in my lungs. God helped me through this," she added.

"We are so grateful to still be alive and together because we know we could have died," said Penelope Smith